Assignment One 2007
Part I
Write a “Code of conduct “for parents and caregivers who wish to create a positive family environment for their children.
Part I
Write a “Code of conduct “for parents and caregivers who wish to create a positive family environment for their children.
It is important to lead teenagers to an understanding of authentic well-being in all parts of their lives. The following principles could be applied to create a positive family environment:
Let the family have a meal together at least once a day. Exchange and share the events of your day, your ideas and interests.
Respect their privacy, be patient, learn to listen.
Be a role model in your behavior in relation to tobacco, alcohol, drugs and medication.
Spend time with your children before they start to become teenagers.
Show genuine interest in their lives, hobbies and friends.
Show them what responsible behaviour is. Give them plenty of practice of making choices and an understanding of responsible choices. With time they are able to make their own decisions.
Make sure your children are aware of a balance of their rights and responsibilities. With time they will realize that responsibilities come with rights. For example: They tell us to which party they are going to go. Let them pick a time when they want to come home.
Have things planned for weekends. Suggest projects and entertainments. So everyone is looking forward to it.
Teenagers who have interest in sport, music, dance, all sorts of activities, are not at such a high risk of falling into drug dependence as others. These activities boost self-esteem and create healthy social networks.
Support your child's self esteem and make them aware of all the good things they do.
Keep the communication open and honest. Be approachable and let them come with their troubles. Let them express their opinion even if you don't agree.
Give them rewards if they behavior is responsible and exceptional.
If in doubt, admit that you don't know all the answers. . You don't need to handle this by yourself. Get some help.