*/My own experience of Learning when I was young.
Being my own constructivist, bringing understanding and knowledge into
me and around me, how did it happen ?
… Yes I really have to get away from
the screen, in tune with myself, into my own imagination. When did real
knowledge come like lightening into me and changed my whole being for
ever? When was knowledge the first time an experience ? When did it
overgrow all my special joys in life like Christmas and Birhtdays, and
presents and holidays?
When I was 12 years old, it happened every week when I saw her. I was
afraid but curious and excited. I was in awe of her. I never practiced
enough, but it didn't matter . She always came too late to the lesson.
Sometimes I had to wait for 1/2 hour but she also went mostly overtime
with me. When I was sitting in her grand studio with the 3 grannies (
pianos) in front of me I got all shy. When Hayat Atta Ogilvie was with
me she told me all those secrets. Secrets I made visible though my play,
my being.
Where do the tones come from?
How do the tones go through me?
How do I let them go, release them?
She showed me how to make my body, the way I sit, my arms and my fingers receptive
to make the tone alive ,
how to release it again. And then of course it would be different if I
played Bach or Mozart , different again if I played Beethoven or Chopin.
With Bach I use more the bones of my hand, with Chopin or a Debussy more
the flesh of my fingers. It was absolutely magic. As soon as I finished
with the lesson, I ran down the stairs, out the door and down the hill
where my mother would pick me up. I couldn't explain to her what
happened, I was too overwhelmed by it, it was tooooo big for me anyway
to explain with words in and out of my little head what just happened to me.
But I could do it if I was confident.
(It almost happened every week like that,
new secrets, new worlds, more to learn , wow....)
When I practiced the following day, all the magic was gone. I was quite
desperate and felt lonely. Over time my inner imagination seemed to grow
again and I imagined her sitting next to me, yes there she was and she
led me into her secrets again and then I new how to play again. Bach was
my favourite. Sometimes I established such levity through the play in
my body that I didn’t seem to sit on the chair anymore. Even today telling about my
time with Hayat Atta Ogilvie gives me goose bumps . That
experience, and today I can transfer it into my daily life.We are all
coming from somewhere invisible, like the tone , that experience I had
will never leave me and no one can take it from me, yes , I have even
the possibility to share this with other people and make the invisible
world vocal. I can show it through my own being. And hopefully can
release the tones gracefully again.
It was and still is a life changing experience. At the beginning of the
life of every human being wouldn't that kind of experience be vital even
if it is unconscious? Would it not be important to bring this
threefoldness into the world? [Not only at church, well in actual fact, it
would be really good to give the priests a crash course on how to bless
people properly, so it has substance and make them speak the Lords
prayer in such a way that one can actually connect with it inwardly ,
may be Annika can help with that. Remember, when we taught the ministers
from the Uniting Church and I got such a shock because I imagined them
much better as soccer players then as ministers. Well anyway, may be
everyone has to find his own church in himself?]
When I sit in front of the computer, I am enjoying very much watching my
fingers dancing almost elegantly on the keyboard.(You know what I mean)
It would be great if my shoulders would be loose and relaxed and ......I
think I have to imagine my Piano teacher again, may be she would be of
Anyway, as I said, in front of the computer...... I feel most of the times
like my head swells up to a mighty balooooon. The rest of the body is
really not at all that important. Through the computer we get
INFORMATION. The rhythmical system goes arhythmical and the limbs get
very lazy and unmotivated.( Explain that later)
Besides that I bought already 2 different glasses since the beginning of
this Computer course (February), why put little children in front of
this? The more they sit in front of televisions and computers the more
they get robbed of their inner pictures- their imagination( quote Rosemary).
It is like this: A little plant, why bring it unprotected through storms
and rains and thunders. It will grow crooked and will look pretty
unhealthy at old age even disabled may be? So why not give it more
protection from the wise old trees? So it can grow beautifully upright?
Later on it will manage to withstand any storm….
Here something else: Why not think of Education and Healing in the following way:
Teachers in the future will may be become more and more the Healers
Medical doctors will treat less and less and become a teacher of health.
Doctors use teaching to prevent sickness.
Teachers use Education to heal.
Once in olden times
There lived in the souls of the initiates
Powerfully the thought
that by nature
Every person is ill.
And education was seen
As a healing process
Which brought to the child,
As it matured
Health for becoming a true human being.
Meditation by Rudolf Steiner.
I think it would be a great idea to develop the Curriculum of any School in to a healing force.
And coming back to the threefoldness in my story which could be integrated into the
”Creative Learning Community”, which is a great process in it self,
3Managing it
or in different words:
1 Understanding ourselfs and the world
2Meaningfull what we understand
meaningfull what the child is learning
3Like to do it, confident to do it.
Lets hear the the three steps out of the Bible to this theme:
I am the Truth
I am with you
I am guiding you towards freedom.
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